“Children need to be mirrored. When they come to you, you want to be that clear mirror. So the most important work you do is with yourself.” Dr. Gabor Mate’
Why I am a Therapist
My journey of self-evolution started with the birth of my daughter in 2010. I absolutely loved the energy of being pregnant, it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Three years later I had my second daughter. Motherhood for me was a gift, but it was also something nobody could have prepared me for.
I found myself trying so hard to be a good mum that I neglected myself in the process. One day my eldest daughter, who was 5 at the time, turned around and asked me “Mummy, is being a mummy hard work?” In that moment my heart broke with guilt that my daughter’s perception of me being her mum was that of hard work, rather than joy. I realised just how exhausted I’d become. How little patience I seemed to have left and how empty I felt. This was not how I wanted motherhood to be, but it is what it had become because I hadn’t allowed myself any time for myself. I desperately needed to restore my energy.
Once I began making more time for myself and invested in my own therapy, I started to be aware of the unconscious beliefs I had about myself and understood that my triggers were the memories of my childhood trauma. I realised I used to be very tough on myself and I now remember those first feelings of self-compassion and the deep, peaceful knowing in my guts about my strength, my wisdom and feeling that I am enough. I realised I could use my pain, anxiety and fear as my teachers rather than trying to run away from them. My-self care is one of my top priorities now and my journey of transformation is the greatest gift in my life.
There is so much more fun and joy in my life, I am present and attuned to my children and they know I am always there for them. The fear and pain I was carrying doesn’t cloud me anymore from seeing how strong they are. My need to rescue them immediately from any uncomfortable emotion is gone, they trust me and they are so much more confident.
Sep 2018 - Jul 2019 - Rebirthing & Breathwork Course in Valencia
Nov 2019 - Dec 2020 - Animas accredited school of Coaching
Sep 2021 - Oct 2022 - Compassionate Inquiry with Gabor Mate'
Currently in postgraduate Mentorship and Internship Program with Gabor Mate’

“We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world.”
- Gabor Mate’-